Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2010 Update and 2011 Voting

Posting with a yearlong pause is unacceptable and this coming year will be better, promise.

The 2010 voting was concluded when a tree fell upon my parents' house in late October during a natural disaster situation in Seattle.  They were forced from their home, living for weeks in a motel.  The Herrick Family made their tragedy the 2010 charity.  It was due in part to those contributions that they were able to be home in time for Christmas.
There is no way to express the gratitude we felt and the generosity of the Herrick Family to make a better day for others.

The 2011 voting is now up for suggestions.  Please leave your suggestions as a comment to this post and I will prepare a voting widget to tally for this year's charity.

I thank you all for participating and I thank you all for your love and devotion to doing more for others than for ourselves.


    I recently heard about this food bar that can provide nutrition to a sarving child.

  2. A lot of people are still homeless and need help after the September floods.

  3. Forgive my ignorance, but in which area was the September flood located?

  4. I know you're not on FB anymore. It is the area that Paula and Laura live in. Also Aunt Helen and her sisters. It was kind of Katrina II, except came from Hurricane Irene. Laura is just getting ready to reopen her hotel.

  5. The floods were in Paula's area, Endicott, Vestal, Binghamton, etc. They were caused by Tropical Storm Lee and caused so many people to lose thier homes and all of thier belongings. Again, there are a lot of people still homeless and Christmas is going to be ignored by some due to the circumstances of being homeless and not having anywhere to spend it, let alone sharing gifts or receiving them. All ages were affected and it's heartbreaking to hear the stories of the people and what they went through. It's nowhere near over, and the rebuilding phase is going to take a long time, especially due to the weather in upstate NY.

  6. It is so true - the flooding has changed the whole area and many are still not in their homes, many are suffering and it will take years to regain some of what was lost. I would not even know where to start to help people in this area. Families are being helped by Salvation Army, Red Cross and FEMA. They are also helping eachother. You would be so happy to see the outpouring of love and help in our region.

    Personally - I vote this year for the charity that fed me on nights when I had no electricity, water or gas and I could not face the drive after a long day to go to Paula's house (she was a HUGE Godsend to me during this awful time). Salvation Army was amazing!!! They continue to be amazing and never have they stopped helping for one minute.

    That is my vote!

  7. I can't tell you the emotions I had when Paula's office sent those gift cards during Katrina. many people benefited by them. I still ask God to bless them. I would love to see us support the people in the Binghamton/Owego area this year. But maybe more personal. Could we adopt a family or two, or maybe do $25-$100 gift cards that could be given to people you actually know. I know Helen's sisters lost alot too. Too many people you guys know (and maybe even yourselves) to donate to a general fund. As I said I'd like to make it more personable, BUT I don't need to know who! I'd trust you yankees with that. (We'll do what the group decides.)

  8. I have been given the opportunity to travel to Sierra Leone in January/Feb to visit our sister church in a small village there. It is quite pricey to travel there so I am not going to be able to help out with the Legacy this year. If I can put my two cents in anyway(Paula tells me it is 3 cents with inflation!) I love Linda's idea. It is what we did last year and sounds good this year, too. God bless what ever decision you make!

  9. I have a family in our church that has lost everything in the flood. They have three children that are in my Sunday school class! They are great kids and Martin and I love to teach them. They are currently with out a lot. They still have no heat and are using a kerosene heater. Their kids lost everything. The kids bedrooms were on the first floor. It was so sad to me that they were so upset about not losing everything, but that they lost the bibles that they won in Sunday school! That is their most prized possession. Through losing so much they have given so much, and have not lost hope. These kids are so bright and positive and have been such a blessing to Martin and I. I would really like to be able to help this family in some way if we can. These children are very near and dear to my heart, it would be nice to bless them this Christmas. I know its going to be rough for them for a long time.

  10. Ok not sure what happens from here! Who do I write a check to?

  11. So the voting is over and it looks like we will be helping the family that Debi and Martin have in there church. The family has three children, two boys and a girl. They have lost everything and there needs are great. Debi will be inviting them for Christmas eve at my house and we will present them with as much as we can from the list of needs and wants that the provided to Debi for the Children. You can send what you can to me, even gift cards would be welcome if you would like. My address is 421 W. Franklin St. Endicott NY 13760. I am aware that we all give and give freely throughout the year and especially at this time of year, so do not feel you must participate if you can't, or have other areas of giving you are involved in.
    I love and appreciate you all, and thank God every day for each and every one of you.

  12. Paula - Thank you for being our "go to" person! This is a true blessing! Laura
